Ace College Pressure
Below are the 3 Common College Pressures:
- Parental Pressure – Don’t disappoint parents and loved ones.
- Social Pressure – Live alone without assistance and manage peer influence.
- Academic Pressure – Study all night if necessary to make the grade. Don’t fail.
Due to these pressures, many students will seek ways to obtain stress relief. Unfortunately, instead of opting for exercising to decompress, many will turn to the use of alcohol and drugs. Students often find using alcohol or drugs as an escape or a coping mechanism. The risk, of course, is that they may sabotage their education, or worse their lives. If we can help them to manage the pressures, we may be able to help decrease the number of students that abuse of alcohol and drugs.
Substance Abuse for Relief
It is an unfortunate truth that college campuses are infested with alcohol and drugs. When trying to alleviate pressure or stress, the accessiblility of substances makes for a viable option.. In addition, college events may be surrounded by alcohol, such as social fraternity and sorority functions, or tailgating before football games. Freedom from rules, the watchful parental eye and less demanding teachers give students a sense of independence. This independence comes with a choice to either participate in substance abuse or find healthier ways to seek relief.
Turn Down the Pressure
Every college offers orientation weekends, however many colleges do not talk about how to successfully mange college stress. As parents and loved ones of college students, we want them to be successful and not succumb to the demands of college. It is important for us to be encouraging with a real perspective of college pressures. Students should have realistic expectations regarding parental, social and academic pressure to avoid the pitfalls of substance abuse and failure. Educating our students about alcohol and drug abuse consequences may only deter them for a little while. We must also offer additional options such as exercise programs, individual counseling and staying connected to family back home.