Does Drug Rehab Have a Revolving Door?

By: Lakeview Health Staff
Published: July 31, 2012

There is no magic number of times to attend rehab in order for recovery to take place. Multiple readmissions to drug rehab centers have a stigma attached to them that rehab has a “revolving door”. It does not matter how many times an addict enters and completes a rehab program, sobriety is up to the individual. At Lakeview Health, we help addicts set the foundation for recovery in rehab and offer additional support after treatment to assist you with staying sober.

Risks to Sobriety

The pink cloud of initial recovery wears off soon after reentering the real world after rehab. We learn about triggers and coping skills in treatment. When we come home, we are challenged without the insulation of doctors, nurses and therapists helping us. Financial obligations, employment, parenting, relationships and other responsibilities are clouded by the chaos that we left behind during active addiction. No matter how uncomfortable situations are when we return from rehab, we must address these issues while remaining sober. Some addicts relapse when returning home from drug rehab if they aren’t given the proper support. , however, relapse can be avoided if stick to your recovery program track. The longer you allow substance abuse to continue, the more consequences you will suffer.

Reentering Rehab

Don’t let shame prevent you from getting back on the road to recovery in a rehab program. Some addicts do not reenter treatment after their first time because of the stigma that rehab has a revolving door. It is okay to enter rehab a second time or as many times as you need to. With each visit to treatment, you gain invaluable knowledge about how to stay sober. Besides, the first time in treatment can be confusing and overwhelming. Ending substance abuse is a huge decision. Entering rehab for the second or third time can seem more daunting due to the shame you may feel about it, but there is no shame in wanting to break free from addiction.
We at Lakeview Health understand that some addicts may need several drug treatments before recovery takes hold. Our nonjudgmental approach to addiction treatment helps friends, family and addicts understand that recovery is a process. There is no shame in getting right back into rehab after a relapse. It is shameful to avoid returning to rehab when you know that it will help you eliminate substance abuse and get you back on the road to recovery.

Preparation in Drug Rehab

The last thing we ask ourselves during active addiction is “How am I going to get the most out of my rehab stay?” We are mostly focused on stopping our substance abuse and the fear and anticipation of detox can be overwhelming. Once you complete medical detox, you can enter an inpatient drug rehab program thinking more clearly about your rehabilitation needs.

Here are some things to focus on to reduce the risk of relapse once discharged:

  • Resolution of underlying issues that contribute to your addiction.
  • Being proactive in changing addictive thought and behavior patterns.
  • Building a recovery support network at home including a sponsor, meeting list and addiction counselor
  • Staying connected to our Alumni Program