Intensive outpatient program

We provide an intensive outpatient program
Florida intensive outpatient treatment program
This treatment option offers multiple treatment sessions every week

In many cases, those who have completed residential addiction treatment through a residential treatment center or a partial hospitalization program feel unsure about returning to their life without the extensive support these programs offer. They may fear that they will relapse if they don’t have help. Fortunately for these individuals, we provide an intensive outpatient program. This treatment option offers multiple treatment sessions every week that can last for several hours. This treatment may include relapse prevention education, counseling services, and 12-step recovery programs.

Whether you’re just beginning your recovery journey or you’ve been on the road to sobriety for several years, intensive outpatient treatment programs can offer you a range of benefits. In addition, you have access to a team of supportive staff members to help you stay sober for more extended periods. Lakeview Health is here to help you maintain your sobriety.

12 steps Lakeview Health

Get the help you need

When you’re ready to begin your road to recovery, turn to our team for the help you need today. Our admissions team is ready to help you determine the type of care you need.

The primary goal of the intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP) is to assist you
What is an intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP)?
Carefully, under the Lakeview staff’s guidance

The primary goal of the intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP) is to assist you in completing the transition from a Florida addiction treatment program to a life in recovery. Carefully, under the Lakeview staff’s guidance and with your peers’ full support, responsibility for your daily routine shifts to you. At this point in treatment, you probably have several weeks of sobriety to your credit. You’ve gained experience, you’ve had time to develop your coping skills, and you’ve tested your sobriety strategies where they matter most, out in the world. Learn more about our IOP in Jacksonville, Florida.

An intensive outpatient program is an excellent step for those who are trying to break free from addiction. This treatment program may be helpful as a step-down if you’ve already attended a more intensive program, such as residential treatment or a partial hospitalization program. Please reach out to Lakeview Health today at 904 677 5010 to learn more about this treatment program.

Differences between inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment
An intensive outpatient programs can offer a range of benefits

The most notable difference between inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment is the amount of time a patient spends at the treatment center. If you enter an inpatient treatment center, you will stay there around the clock for the duration of your treatment. This option is ideal for those who require more support during treatment, as it provides constant medical and emotional supervision to each person within the program.

However, intensive outpatient programs can offer a range of benefits. This treatment option allows you to maintain your busy schedule and gives you the opportunity to rely on your support system. Because this treatment option is far less intensive than residential treatment, it also allows patients to stay in treatment for nearly a year. Furthermore, you spend between ten to twelve hours each week in our IOP treatment. Therefore, you have more time to practice the coping mechanisms you created in treatment.

At least three hours of structured therapy per day
Therapeutic options available
At Lakeview Health, we provide a range of evidence-based and holistic treatment options

In our Jacksonville IOP programs, you receive at least three hours of structured therapy per day. If you are at the facility during meal times, we invite you to eat healthy and delicious meals in our facility dining rooms, with snacks available between meals.

Your focus now shifts to working with your primary therapist, medical staff, and external providers to create an aftercare plan that works for you. Less therapy time and more personal time means that you spend more time away from the Lakeview Health treatment center than you spend at it.

At Lakeview Health, we provide a range of evidence-based and holistic treatment options. Holistic treatments are treatment options that we tailor to healing a person’s mind, body, and soul. Conversely, evidence-based therapies are treatment options that experts in addiction treatment have studied extensively. They have verifiable proof that these treatment options can improve the outcome of your treatment. A combination of these addiction treatment programs significantly increases the likelihood of staying sober for extended periods of time. Our therapeutic options include services, such as:

At Lakeview Health, we tailor each person’s treatment option to their unique needs.

As a result of this treatment method, you build coping mechanisms that allow you to overcome obstacles that are unique to you. We provide both individual and group therapy, which allows you to learn from other people while addressing your own needs.

Independent sobriety is right around the corner
Intensive outpatient treatment lets you begin a new life
You’ll have the tools you need to live a life free of alcohol and drugs

It’s an exciting time: independent sobriety is right around the corner, and you’re on the verge of living the life you want on your terms. When you reach the end of your time in our intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP), you’ll have the tools you need to live a life free of alcohol and drugs. And another amazing thing happens: you become a member of our active, engaged, and extensive alumni network, which allows you to give back and help people who are new to addiction treatment and sobriety. Joining our alumni program will enable you to complete the circle of service unique to Lakeview Health.

Can you seek dual diagnosis treatment in an IOP?
It is necessary to seek dual diagnosis treatment

Experts suggest that mental health conditions often combine with substance use, which creates a co-occurring disorder. It is necessary to seek dual diagnosis treatment alongside a traditional treatment program, such as an intensive outpatient treatment program. Dual diagnosis treatment provides concurrent treatment of your substance use disorder and mental health condition from our expert treatment team. In some cases, we may use a range of psychotherapeutic medications to treat some co-occurring conditions, including:

We also can provide a range of therapeutic options that will increase and reinforce your self-esteem and confidence. In addition, we’ll invite your family members, such as parents, children, or romantic partners, for group therapy, family therapy, and addiction education.

If you have been using drugs or alcohol and have battled mental health conditions symptoms, you may benefit from dual diagnosis treatment. If you have a more severe condition, you may require a more intensive treatment option, such as residential treatment, which can provide round-the-clock care. However, if you’re mentally and physically stable, our intensive outpatient treatment program is ideal.

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