Gender-responsive treatment is an all-encompassing term for the type of treatment offered at Lakeview Health based on three key factors. First, men and women may develop addictions for reasons specific to their gender. Next, men and women often enter treatment for reasons specific to their gender. Finally, men and women are likely to respond to addiction treatment in ways specific to their gender. With those key components in mind, we’ve developed excellent gender-specific addiction treatment programs for men and women beginning treatment at our medical detox center and our residential treatment center. During these programs, we separate men and women and allow them to work through the challenges surrounding their addiction. We are also able to provide mental health treatment for those battling co-occurring conditions. As the healing process goes on, we will slowly reintegrate men and women so that they can develop strategies to remain sober in a co-ed group.
Are you ready to learn how gender-specific addiction treatment can support your recovery? If so, reach out to Lakeview Health today at 866 704 7692 for more information about this treatment option.
We offer four individual gender-specific treatment programs, which we’ve designed to treat the challenges men and women face. Each program can be tailored to the needs of the individual, which can be beneficial in aiding the recovery process.
After using drugs or alcohol for extended periods of time, your body needs to detox to get rid of the toxins. At our men’s detox center, you can work with other men during the detox process. You don’t have to appear strong or invincible during this challenging time. Instead, you can focus solely on helping your body get healthy again.
The detox process is critical to your overall recovery. When you engage in our women’s detox center, other women will surround you and support you through the process. You can work to develop relationships and friendships with these women as your body grows strong again.
Men face specific challenges during recovery. They may not know how to express their emotions, share their hurdles, or want to engage with the group. Fortunately, with the help of our men’s rehab program, we help men overcome these challenges so that they can move towards a healthier future. You can work with other men who are overcoming similar challenges so that each person gets the care and support that they need to recover. There are a variety of benefits of entering our men’s rehab program, such as:
Many women feel ashamed or frightened when they need to seek an addiction treatment program. This shame and fear can lead them not to get the treatment they need or to avoid engaging in treatment. Fortunately, when you work with Lakeview Health, we help you overcome these challenging emotions. In our women’s rehab program, you begin the process of recovery alongside a group of women who are also facing similar challenges.
Another important thing to know about gender-responsive treatment is men and women who enter gender-specific alcohol and drug use treatment programs tend to stay in treatment longer and have better outcomes than those who don’t. The reason for this fact is that gender-specific treatment programs allow the patient to engage fully in their treatment. While in co-ed treatment, women may be uncomfortable speaking about the trauma that led to their addiction, and men can feel like they need to appear strong and manly. However, when the patient is in a treatment program that only includes other men or other women, they may feel more comfortable opening up to those around them.
Another benefit of gender-specific treatment is that the program can address the unique challenges each gender faces. For instance, those in a women’s addiction treatment program can discuss motherhood, pregnancy, and the challenges they face in the workforce. Alternatively, in a men’s addiction treatment program, they can address anger issues, how to healthily express emotions, and the pressure to appear strong.
Furthermore, gender-specific treatment can provide more effective relapse prevention techniques. Strategies that work well for men may not work as well for women. Conversely, techniques that appeal to women may not be as engaging for men. We will work with both genders to create relapse prevention techniques that will address the unique challenges each gender faces.
We tailor every facet of our men’s and women’s addiction treatment facilities to maximize the potential for successful, sustained, lifelong sobriety. Our core mission – integrative treatment to heal the mind, body, and spirit – is consistent between our men’s and women’s programs, The Star men’s rehab center and The Rose women’s rehab center. However, there are significant differences in the way we design our gender-responsive programs:
Organized efforts to help people struggling with alcohol and substance use disorders have been around longer than most people realize. Support groups, sobriety circles, and temperance movements first appeared in the U.S. around the 1750s. By the 1850s, one such organization – The Washington Society – claimed a membership of more than half a million people. The New York State Inebriate Society, the nation’s first dedicated substance use treatment center, opened in Binghamton, New York in 1864. The ensuing century saw the rise and fall of scores of asylums, homes, and sanatoriums treating alcoholism and substance use disorders first as failings of individual moral character, then as treatable medical diseases. Even as the movement toward medical treatment gained momentum, the tone of judgment persisted: treatment centers were frowned upon and known colloquially by terms like foul wards, jitter joints, or jag farms. This one-two punch created the heavy stigma still associated with people seeking treatment today.
Though a small number of gender-specific centers did exist, most participants and practitioners were men. It wasn’t until the 1970s that addiction professionals considered the possibility that gender might play an important role in the way men and women develop and recover from addiction disorders. Gender-specific approaches to treatment reappeared in the 1980s. In the 1990s and 2000s, addiction and mental health professionals developed comprehensive treatment approaches recognizing differences and capitalizing on the relative strengths of men and women seeking recovery.
Lakeview Health is at the forefront of the gender-responsive movement in alcohol and substance use treatment and recovery.
Anyone, regardless of gender, can develop an addiction. As a result, it’s critical to get treatment. Whether you’re battling an addiction to drugs or alcohol, our gender-specific treatment center can help you heal.
No one, male or female, deserves to live with an addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, one of the key factors preventing people from getting the treatment that they need is the fear of what people of the opposite gender will think. This fear doesn’t have to hold you back. When you enroll in one of our gender-specific treatment programs, you can begin life anew. At Lakeview Health, we’ve designed our programs to support the needs of both men and women struggling with addiction. With our help, you can overcome your condition, allowing you to grow and thrive. Furthermore, if you’re also battling a co-occurring mental health condition, we can provide you with treatment for that condition as well.