With its prime location on the Emerald Coast, Destin, FL, is a paradise. The emerald green water, white sand beaches, and fresh seafood attract countless travelers each year, and the locals aren’t left out of the fun. It’s normal to see the locals fishing, sunbathing, or eating at one of the top-notch restaurants.
If you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, it’s hard to see the beauty that Destin provides, though. Instead of gorgeous water and sunny skies, your mind is on your next fix. It’s all-consuming, and you want to break free so you can finally enjoy your life.
Addiction is a disease, and you need a knowledgeable support team on your side, guiding you as you remove drugs and alcohol from your life. Call Lakeview Health at 866.704.7692 to learn more about our Jacksonville drug rehab center.
Alcohol Abuse in Destin, FL
Just over 17 percent of Floridians drink excessively, but the Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin area is above the state average. According to Destin substance abuse statistics, 20.8 percent of adults drink excessively. That percentage is higher than any other metro in Florida.
Heavy drinking has a huge impact on the metro’s residents. Not only do people deal with alcohol-related health problems, but many also die in automobile accidents. Almost 40 percent of the driving deaths in this area involve alcohol. Compare that to 28.2 percent for the entire state of Florida and 30 percent in the country, and you will realize that the Destin area has a serious problem.
If you are in the throes of alcohol addiction, you are playing with your life. You never know if your next drink will create a serious health problem or even lead to your death. It’s time to get help before it’s too late.
Drug Abuse in Destin, FL
As with many other areas around the country, drug abuse is on the rise in Destin, Florida. Fentanyl, cocaine, benzodiazepines, morphine, heroin, and alcohol cause the highest numbers of substance-related deaths in Okaloosa County. While drugs have always been an issue in the area, the opioid epidemic has created a very serious problem. Opioid-related deaths increased by 80 percent across the state from 2014-2015, and Okaloosa County Emergency Medical Services have seen a 219 percent increase in Narcan administration since 2013.
The introduction of fentanyl to the Destin area is one of the biggest problems right now. This synthetic opioid is 80-100 times stronger than morphine, and it’s often mixed with drugs like heroin or cocaine. People rarely realize they are ingesting fentanyl when they take drugs. For instance, someone might buy heroin on the street that’s laced with fentanyl. The person takes his or her normal dosage of the drug but overdoses due to the increased strength. This drug alone is responsible for countless deaths in Destin, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. People take a grave risk anytime they ingest a drug since they don’t know if it contains fentanyl.
Drug use has always been dangerous, but now, it’s more dangerous than ever. You never know if your next use might be your last one due to an overdose death. It’s time to stop the cycle and learn to live without drugs. This is the key to having a healthy and happy life.
Alcohol and Drug Detox
The word “detox” is a frightening one for people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. If your body is addicted to drugs and alcohol, stopping suddenly can lead to severe anxiety, seizures, dehydration, and even death. Many people try to detox on their own, only to fall victim to the symptoms and start using again.
Fortunately, you can avoid these dangerous side effects by going through medically supervised detox at Lakeview Health. Our trained medical team will be by your side 24 hours a day while your body eliminates these harmful substances. The team will use medications to manage your mental and physical symptoms to ensure you are safe and as comfortable as possible during this process. This is much easier and safer than trying to detox on your own, and it will put you on the road to success as you move forward with treatment.
While doctors and nurses will manage your physical symptoms, a counselor will help you navigate the emotions you will experience during detox. You have likely spent quite some time using drugs and alcohol to cope with your emotions. Once you remove your substance of choice, those emotions will come to the surface, and you will need to deal with them in a healthy and productive way. The counselor will guide you through this process and prepare you to enter treatment.
Going through medically supervised detox will improve your chances of a successful recovery. Don’t try to detox on your own. It’s dangerous and will likely lead to relapse. Instead, reach out to Lakeview Health so you can enter the program. Call 866.704.7692 to take the first step in this life-changing journey.
Alcohol and Drug Rehab
Movies and TV shows tend to portray substance abuse treatment centers as sterile medical facilities that are cold and unwelcoming. While that is true for some facilities, that isn’t the case at Lakeview Health. Our drug and alcohol treatment center near Destin, FL, is warm and inviting and promotes healing. It has a home-like quality that will put you at ease while also providing you with the necessary resources to overcome your addiction.
Our facility has a recreation area, swimming pool, fitness center, beautiful common areas, and a dining room that offers chef-prepared meals. We encourage our patients to make use of these public areas during their downtime. They can interact with other patients and begin creating a support system of their peers. The bonds formed during this stage will help you well after you transition out of the facility.
Lakeview Health also has semiprivate patient rooms that are perfect for relaxing and reflecting at the end of the day. Many of our patients bring photos along with them to display in their rooms so they can have a little piece of home when they are undergoing treatment.
When you aren’t relaxing in a common area or your room, you will be engaged in treatment in one of the classrooms or group rooms. Just like the rest of the facility, these treatment areas were designed to ensure that patients are comfortable and calm during their stay. You will feel empowered to open up and share your story when you sit among your new friends in one of these rooms.
We also provide a comfortable setting by using Gender-Specific Treatment. That means that men and women are separated at our facility. Men work and live with other men while women live and work with other women. This makes it easier to connect, bond, and open up during treatment. It also puts you on the right path to a successful recovery.
Treatment for Co-Occurring Conditions
There was a time when mental health and substance abuse issues were treated separately. Providers used to tell patients they could not treat their mental health disorder until they stopped drinking or using drugs. That is no longer the case, though. Now, professionals know that integral intervention is necessary for a successful outcome. This means that professionals treat the mental illness and the substance abuse issue at the same time.
Lakeview Health provides dual diagnosis treatment programs. Treatment is customized for each patient but will likely include therapy and medications. The staff will also help you create an aftercare plan. Aftercare is crucial since mental health issues require ongoing monitoring and treatment. Many people with mental health issues may require therapy and medication for their entire lives, and the staff at Lakeview Health will help you make the transition from getting care inside the facility to outside the facility.
If you have a co-occurring condition, you might feel like the world is against you. You don’t understand why you have so much on your plate. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but that feeling will quickly dissipate when you get help. Treatment will put the power and control back in your hands. You’ll realize your life isn’t ruled by your substance of choice or your mental health diagnosis. Proper treatment will empower you and put you on the path to health and happiness.