In 2019, hundreds of thousands of people abused crack cocaine. Cocaine is one of the most abused substances in the United States, leaving many struggling with their finances, relationships, and health issues. However, because tolerance and dependence are standard with cocaine use, many people cannot stop using this substance, despite its ill effects. As a result, many people require a crack detox center to quit using this illicit substance.
At Lakeview Health, we strive to provide the best possible treatment for all levels of addiction. Finding a crack detox center is as easy as picking up the phone or using our helpful online form. For more information about our treatment center and our cocaine addiction treatment program, get in touch with Lakeview Health today at 866 552 6557.
Crack cocaine is a cheaper version of pure cocaine, which comes in a powdered form. This substance often looks like a hard, clear rock, which most users smoke. Crack cocaine increases the risk of addiction because it reaches the brain quicker and provides a more intense effect than snorting or orally taking pure cocaine. In addition, many experts suggest that those who smoke cocaine are at risk for more intense cravings.
Today’s society stigmatizes using crack more than it does powder cocaine. In fact, if legal authorities catch users with crack cocaine, they are at a higher risk of a harsher sentence, as the law handles crack possession more severely than possession of powder cocaine. The best way to avoid the legal consequences of crack cocaine use or possession is to seek treatment at a crack detox center. For more information about the treatment options available, please contact Lakeview Health today at 866 552 6557.
If you suspect that someone you love may be using crack cocaine, it’s best to take action. First, you may need to learn more about this hazardous drug and keep an eye out for the signs revealing their addiction.
If you see the symptoms of crack addiction in someone you love, it may be time to seek out a crack addiction treatment center.
One of the most challenging parts of trying to overcome a crack addiction is dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Often, people begin using drugs or alcohol to cope with life or escape reality. Eventually, they develop both mental and physical dependencies.
At some point during their substance abuse, people lose the power of choice, and they’re simply using it to feel normal. Since crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, many people avoid seeking help.
When people think of withdrawal symptoms, they more commonly think of alcohol, heroin, or opiates. Unlike those depressants, cocaine is a stimulant that affects the body in a different way. Those who have a crack cocaine dependency don’t suffer as many physical withdrawal symptoms, but psychological withdrawal symptoms can become unbearable without medical supervision.
The body has been accustomed to regular crack cocaine use. Its absence causes the nervous system to go into shock when the drug starts to leave the body. The most common withdrawal symptoms for those who have a crack addiction include:
When you go through crack cocaine withdrawal, it can feel like your skin is crawling, and you can’t sit still. Life becomes aggravating, and it’s because your body craves the drug. For most people, continuing to use seems like the best way to feel normal, but it doesn’t have to be.
The first step towards addiction recovery is a drug detox program. Attempting detox on your own can be dangerous. In fact, it’s never recommended that you try to quit cold turkey, and you should always be medically supervised during withdrawal. As your body tries to regain equilibrium, the heart is under immense stress.
If you choose Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida, our on-site medically monitored detox program for men and women is the start of lifelong recovery. Our medical staff cares about your well-being and understands crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms. If necessary, they’ll prescribe medications to make you more comfortable, ease your anxiety and help you sleep.
Cocaine addiction and major depression are conditions that commonly co-occur. For some, going through cocaine addiction treatment can ease the symptoms of depression. However, for many people, it is necessary to attend a dual diagnosis treatment program. Dual diagnosis treatment can address both crack addiction and depression concurrently, giving you the tools that you need to manage your condition outside of treatment. There is a range of dual diagnosis treatment options available at Lakeview Health. For instance, we offer treatments for conditions such as:
If you’ve begun developing a mental health issue due to your cocaine use, or if your mental health condition predated your cocaine use, Lakeview Health can help. To learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment programs, please get in touch with our treatment experts today at 866 552 6557.
Detox for crack addiction is only the first step in the process. It’s going to take a lot of work to learn how to stay sober as well. At Lakeview Health, we offer a full continuum of care designed to help you learn to live a new, substance-free life.
For most of our clients, the majority of treatment will be spent in therapy. We offer a wide range of therapeutic options, which we have designed to address each client’s unique needs. We utilize both evidence-based and holistic therapies, which we can then tailor to the needs of the client. For example, we offer treatments such as:
Are you ready to overcome your addiction to crack cocaine? If so, the crack detox center at Lakeview Health is here to help you start the process. Give us a call today at 866 552 6557 to verify your insurance or learn more about our programs for men and women.