Yoga Therapy Program For Substance Abuse

One of the most universal methods used in addiction treatment today is a Yoga Therapy Program

Addiction treatment involves a wide range of programs, methods, and approaches making up your individualized Addiction Therapy Plan. This treatment plan varies from one type of rehab to another. But one of the most universal methods used in addiction treatment today is a yoga therapy program. Through yoga therapy, you complement traditional recovery methods, as part of whole-person wellness and integrative health approaches.

In your addiction, depression and anxiety treatment center in Jacksonville, FL, a yoga therapy program helps you achieve sustainable recovery. At the same time, it helps your brain and body find balance after substance abuse. You can use yoga as one of your coping skills for periods of stress or anxiety, boosting your mood, self-confidence, and physical wellness at the same time.

About our yoga therapy program

Our Yoga Therapy Program FL alone does not treat substance abuse or addiction. Instead, this holistic therapy adds a natural form of medicine through its complementary or adjunct health practice. In addition, it adds to your program of traditional evidence-based therapies.

A yoga therapy program involves the use of physical postures for connection of your mind, breath, and body. Also, this practice of slow movements and poses helps you gain self-awareness, listen to your body and focus attention inward. In addition, about 21 million Americans use yoga to maintain their own wellness, according to U.S. News & World Report.

Proven benefits of yoga include:

All of these benefits show why substance abuse treatment programs use a yoga therapy program Jacksonville FL along with traditional addiction therapies. Also, yoga improves recovery, helps prevent relapse, reduces withdrawal symptoms, reduces cravings and provides you with a coping mechanism for triggers, stress, and temptations.

How a yoga therapy program works
No fancy equipment required

Your yoga therapy program Jacksonville FL requires no fancy equipment, special clothing or specific location. You learn yoga and can practice it anywhere, anytime you need stress relief or to cope better in your recovery. Of course, a yoga therapy program works best when you adopt its methods for consistent use in your recovery. But whether you rely on these ancient poses and breathing techniques once in a while or multiple times per week, you receive benefits.

Yoga therapy program Jacksonville FL sessions usually last 45 minutes to an hour. There is no jumping around or fast movement in yoga, unlike aerobics or other fitness methods. This makes yoga perfect for people with pain or those who struggle in their physical movements. The overall goal of yoga is to bring your body and mind in greater sync through exercise, breathing and meditation.

Early in your yoga therapy, you learn the poses and breathing techniques. These poses, called asanas, are the same ones used universally. When you return to your home community, you can pick up your yoga practice at local recreation centers, community programs or yoga studios without feeling confused or lost in movements. You can even practice at home or on-the-go using the poses you already know or a variety of DVDs, cable-access programs, online videos or smartphone apps.

Integrating yoga into your treatment plan

A well-developed treatment plan for substance abuse recovery integrates multiple traditional and complementary approaches like yoga for whole-health wellness. In addition, other programs and services you need with yoga for sustainable recovery include:

Find all of these programs and therapies in Jacksonville, Florida at Lakeview Health. Lakeview Health integrates complementary health approaches like yoga into your evidence-based wellness program. Learn more about the role of a yoga therapy program in your recovery by calling Lakeview Health at 904 677 5010 today.

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