Recognizing the need for addiction recovery is often challenging, especially when you’re looking at yourself or a loved one. It’s […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| May 20, 2024

In addiction treatment, the term used is self-help. And it works. They say in recovery that the opposite of addiction […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| September 3, 2021

My name is Emily and I am a grateful, recovering alcoholic.  By the grace of God, my sobriety date is […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| May 18, 2021

I hope this helps at least one person… My life was a wreck from Day One. I was given every […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| May 11, 2021

I grew up in a small country town, where everyone knew everyone, including all their business.  We moved there when […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| May 5, 2021

New Year’s Eve is a great time to reflect on the previous year, imagine the coming year’s potential, and have […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| December 24, 2020

In less than a month, families will be gathering all over the United States to celebrate Christmas and then New […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| December 23, 2020

The holidays add extra stress to everyone. If you or a loved one is fighting to maintain your sobriety during […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| November 13, 2020