The unfortunate reality is that substance abuse is a serious problem that millions of individuals continue to face every year. […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| June 17, 2024

Living with a chronic disease like substance use disorder can leave a person feeling helpless and hopeless. Addiction has a […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| June 14, 2024

Addiction is a chronic disease that is characterized by the prolonged, repeated misuse of substances despite negative consequences; physical and […]

Lakeview Health 
| September 25, 2023

Knowing how to help someone who is struggling with alcohol use is a growing concern for Americans with nearly 7% […]

Lakeview Health 
| November 7, 2022

When a loved one goes to drug rehab, you may not be sure how to help them. Even after the […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| August 9, 2021

Confessions of an Ex-Enabler I’m better now, and will share some things that helped me, but those early days were […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| July 30, 2021

First priority? Don’t go crazy in the process, which means taking care of you. Let me start by saying this: […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| July 28, 2021

In a previous post on this site, I discussed the moment it became clear that my adult son had substance […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| June 30, 2021