A Mosque Drug Rehab

By: Lakeview Health Staff
Published: July 9, 2012

Drug use, addiction and trafficking are seen as taboo for those of the Muslim religion; however, there is one Mosque in Malaysia which has a pilot methadone program. In Malaysia, many men are being diagnosed with HIV from intravenous drug use. Harm reduction programs have been established for needle exchange to help decrease the use of dirty needles and the passing of the HIV disease. Currently, the Ar Rahman, a mosque in Malaysia, has quarters upstairs which men can receive methadone needed to eliminate the desire for drug use. The idea behind the mosque drug rehab is that utilizing the Malaysia man’s faith may be helpful in getting him to remain clean. Mr. Ghaffar Surip, a Jakim official, reports “The use of methadone is only one part of treating drug addicts because we also have to look at the spiritual, psychological and psychosocial aspects of the patient.” The concept that Mr. Surip has identified is one that most drug treatment centers follow. This holistic approach attempts to address the entire individual, helping him transition to a sober lifestyle with ease while increasing spirituality and physical health. Mr. Rusdi Abdul Rashid, the chief coordinator of the University of Malaya’s Centre for Addiction Sciences (UMCAS), reports that they have proposed that this model be duplicated in other areas. UMCAS plans on expanding the program to 6,000 mosques by 2015. This is a huge endeavor and extremely needed as Malaysia officials have estimated that there are 350,000 drug addicts presently. At Lakeview Health we commend the efforts of Mr. Rusdi Abdul Rashid and recognize the need for dual diagnosis treatment for our patients. If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction please call one of our addiction specialists at 866-877-6717. Our trained staff can explain the treatment options that best fit your needs. Don’t delay and take back control of your life today.