In today’s society, it isn’t unusual to consume alcohol for pleasure or relaxation. Often, people enjoy a glass of wine with a meal or a beer while in the company of friends. While this type of “normal” use of alcohol does not present a problem for most, it can potentially become excessive for others and result in what is known as alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse. Alcohol addiction is defined as a pattern of drinking that can affect social and emotional responsibilities and even result in legal problems. When a person abuses alcohol, his or her drinking habits can harm his or her health or cause injury to the individual or others. Alcohol addiction resources explain how this process works and how crucial alcohol detox can be.
Eventually, if left unchecked, alcohol addiction can transition into alcoholism, which is also known as alcohol dependence. Alcoholism is a disease in which a person develops a physical dependency or addiction to alcohol. Having resources on alcohol addiction is essential when struggling with addiction or having a loved one struggling with alcoholism. From here, you are able to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that can help provide further resources and care for treatment.
About Alcohol Abuse
When friends or family members suspect that someone who they care for is abusing alcohol, they will want to take action so that the suspected abuser can get the necessary help. When there is suspicion of alcohol addiction, certain clear indicators typically present themselves. A common sign is when an individual neglects responsibilities such as a job, school work, or family obligations. Someone struggling with alcohol addiction also uses alcohol in situations when it is unsafe to do so, such as on a boat or when driving a vehicle. Another sign of alcohol addiction is when a person regularly uses alcohol as a method to relieve stress.
When you begin to notice these signs in your loved one, it’s time to turn to resources on alcohol addiction to find them the help they need. Through addiction treatment programs, the individual struggling with addiction receives the care they need to begin living healthier lives. Loved ones can use these programs as further resources on alcohol addiction and learn how to better help and support their loved ones on their recovery journey.
Helpful Alcohol Addiction Resources
Although alcohol addiction is not yet alcohol dependence, it can be difficult for people with a problem to recognize it within themselves. It can be even more difficult for them to stop this type of drinking pattern. The help and support of friends and family are critical at this time for alcohol abusers to have the greatest chance of success at changing their behavior. The best way to do this is for all parties, including the person who is abusing alcohol, is to learn as much as they can about alcohol abuse.
- Alcoholism: Complication Complications of alcohol addiction and alcoholism are described in detail on the Mayo Clinic website.
- Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Facts A list of facts about alcohol addiction and alcoholism on The list includes signs of alcohol addiction and statistics, such as the number of people under the age of 21 that die in alcohol-related accidents yearly and the percentage of women that are affected by alcohol abuse.
- Alcohol and the Brain An in-depth review of how alcohol addiction affects the brain. This page also reviews Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
- Alcohol Use Disorders A page on the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism website. The page focus on both alcoholism and alcohol abuse. It explains that alcohol addiction can be as serious a disorder as alcoholism even though abusers are not dependent on alcohol.
- Drugs of Abuse: Alcohol An article from the National Institute on Drug Abuse that explains alcohol as a drug of addiction. This article also explains that alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism.
- The Effects of Alcohol Abuse A KidsHealth article that explains the short- and long-term effects of alcohol abuse. The effects discussed are both physical and mental.
- Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse A page on the website that reviews alcohol abuse. This page discusses how to understand alcohol abuse, signs, and symptoms of alcohol abuse and the effects of alcohol abuse on friends and family.
Resources on Alcohol Addiction Through Lakeview Health
A major place for resources on alcohol addiction will be the addiction treatment center you choose for care. Lakeview Health aims to provide all necessary information to our clients and their loved ones to ensure all parties are informed on the treatment process. We provide family support for addiction to help loved ones understand addiction and receive the support they need during this trying time. Our family therapy program also provides the support all parties need to learn, grow, and heal during this process.
For more resources on alcohol addiction and to begin with addiction treatment, contact Lakeview Health today.
We are still providing care and treatment to our clients during this time. We are staying updated on all guidelines and changes with COVID-19 to ensure the safety of our clients and staff.
We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.