Stopping Opiate Addiction Is Easier with Suboxone Treatment

By: Lakeview Health Staff
Published: June 11, 2012

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 14,800 prescription painkiller deaths in 2008. In about half of those deaths, the painkiller was used in combination with some other drug such as, alcohol, benzodiazepines and/or cocaine. The CDC also reports that drug overdose death rates from painkillers have tripled since the 1990’s. This is probably in correlation with the pain clinic explosion. Opiate addiction has grown in popularity, especially with all the crooked pain clinics handing out prescriptions freely. Unfortunately, the cost of up keeping an OxyContin addiction is costing more money than trusty heroin. Many people who suffer from chronic pain and/or addiction are turning to cheaper street heroin for their continued supply. With the increase in opiate addicts, drug rehab centers are offering Suboxone treatment for opiate addiction to comfortably detox addicts. Suboxone is the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone which assists in comfortably withdrawing an addict from opiates. Lakeview Health Systems offers Suboxone in a sublingual film which is given under a nurse’s supervision. The film form of this medication also makes it more difficult for addicts to abuse when they are not in a residential drug rehab facility. The primary use of Suboxone is to assist with opiate withdrawal, reducing the chances of relapse before the addict finishes with detox. Suboxone should only be taken under medical supervision of an addictionologist.