I was reading this article about a church prayer revival in Kentucky to combat drug abuse. I thought to myself that every bit of prayer helps, but there also needs to be action behind prayer. We often treat God like Santa Claus in the sky; expecting him to provide for us just because we pray. We often say “Let go and let God,” but I am not certain that is what God intended prayer to be. As Christians, we know that faith without works is dead. (James 2:14-26) Remember when you were flat on your back in addiction, with no direction to look but up? We always call on God when we feel like there is no way out. It is nice to hear that a church organized a prayer meeting with other local churches to bring awareness to the Christian community about the devastation of drug abuse. This gives the addicts within the church community an opportunity to change, hopefully before disastrous consequences take place. More specifically, drug addicts were able to come and receive prayer from the congregation in an effort to help them stop their addiction. I believe prayer works. But I surely don’t want anyone out there still struggling with addiction to think that prayer is all they need. Nothing was reported in this news article about a follow-up counseling session about the benefits of drug rehab. I believe that’s what was missing from their efforts. The power of prayer is undeniable and when it is coupled with pro-active recovery behaviors and thoughts, true change can take place. Does your church community help drug addicts? Tell us how your church has stepped up to bring about awareness in your community. Help inspire other groups to participate by sharing your stories with us now!
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