We tend to associate Super Bowl Sunday with good feelings. Friendly rivalries, great football, fun commercials, ad lots of snacks […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| February 1, 2020

With the New Year fast approaching, you may be thinking of what resolutions 2019 will bring. Self-growth is very important […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| December 2, 2018

Once patients are discharged from residential rehab, they enter what The Recovery Book calls the “yellow zone.” The person in […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| August 23, 2017

“Serenity!” If you have ever attended a committee meeting within the anonymous fellowships you’ve heard it shouted (ironically) from the […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| January 31, 2017

Fitness Education and Training for Addiction Recovery Focus Muscle Groups: Latissimus Dorsi (Lats) and Teres Major When I heard about […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| December 5, 2016

By Ami Brantley, Alumni Support Coordinator and Recovery Coach There are many ways to give back what has been given […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| October 25, 2016

“I’ll just have one. It’s no big deal.” “I can’t have fun unless I’m drinking.” “I can handle it; it’s […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| October 1, 2013

Being in recovery is not easy. Although you gain knowledge and skills in drug and alcohol rehab, it is still […]

Lakeview Health Staff 
| September 5, 2013