Blog post

If you have answered yes to any of the following questions then you may be struggling with alcoholism and it may be time to take action to give yourself the life you deserve.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| September 13, 2011

Children often get the short end of the stick when it comes to drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Parents who suffer from addiction are likely not going to be able to care for their children the way they should. Often children are taken from their homes and put in the care of the state. This could be avoided if parents who fight with addiction would get the help they needed.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| May 5, 2011

Addiction to drugs and alcohol does not discriminate. Lawyers, doctors, politicians… are just as susceptible to addiction then the homeless man on the street. No matter how bad an addiction it is never to late to get help and change the negative course caused by addiction.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| April 19, 2011

Recovering from the disease of alcoholism is by no means an easy task. With the help of a quality drug and alcohol rehab program recovering is possible. The aftercare program that an addiction treatment center offers is essential in helping their clients achieve a long lasting meaningful sobriety.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| March 24, 2011

Alcohol is socially acceptable making it the most abuse drug in the world. Detoxing from alcohol can be dangerous. With a medically supervised detox followed by quality addiction treatment over coming the disease of addiction is going to be extremely difficult.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| March 17, 2011

The professionals in an addiction treatment center will help its clients break down the walls and cope with whatever part of their past was ultimately causing their addiction. In most cases drug and alcohol abuse is the result of trying to mask some event that took place or as a form of self medication.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| February 21, 2011

Leaving your hometown to go to addiction treatment and work on sobriety can be extremely beneficial. When individuals stay in their hometown to attend addiction treatment there will likely be drama and family dynamics that will interrupt the task at hand.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| January 20, 2011

The disease of addiction is both psychological and physiological. In order to overcome the physical dependence of drug and alcohol addiction it is going to be necessary to go to a medically supervised detoxification facility.

Lakeview Health Staff 
| December 14, 2010